Dry Roof Pro
Buckley's Dry Roof Pro is the most widely used equipment for detecting leaks in membranes for roof waterproofing.

Can test up to 21527.82 y2 per day
Wide range of accessories and electrodes
Completely portable
Locate roof leaks in dry conditions
Buckleys Dry Roof Pro offers a fast and efficient method of testing a wide range of non-conductive flat roofs and can test up to 2000 m2 per day.
It works with batteries and is completely portable; Dry Roof Pro 'detects an electrical path to ground through leaks and defects in non-conductive flat roof finishes 64μm to 25.6mm thick.
As the electrode is 'swept' over the ceiling surface, any fault triggers the detector's alarm system, alerting the user.
Dry Roof Pro ’contains everything you need to start testing right away, including a wide range of accessories and electrodes, all supplied in a sturdy foam-lined carrying case.

Learn how to use Dry Roof Pro
Identify the exact location of leaks in flat roofs easily, quickly, and effectively without damaging the roof.

tarps sealing

Leather parts wrinkle removal

Harness retraction

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